
Read the following story and see how one woman learned that her very own imagination creates reality.

A bright young woman came to the Mental Scientist one day for a consultation. She had a lot going for her. She was young, single, smart, and pretty too. Unfortunately, she was dealing with a serious problem. It turns out that the women in her office where she worked were jealous of her and for some reason, didn’t like her. They were talking about her behind her back and seeking to get her fired.

This poor young woman went home each evening in tears and with deep feelings of resentment and anger. To make things worse, she was beginning to feel physically ill. She couldn’t believe that she was being treated in this way. What was it that she had done to deserve this? She was beginning to hate her job and beginning to hate the other people in her office as well.

Image of angry woman who learns that imagination creates reality

Imagination Creates Reality for Woman

Simple Diagnosis

The Mental Scientist listened carefully and compassionately and when the young woman was finished telling her story, diagnosed the cause of her problem. It was a simple determination because he understood clearly the connection between the Human Imagination and Reality. He knew unequivocally that this woman had created her situation through her use or in this case misuse of her imaginative faculty.

As he began to speak, he chose his words carefully so as not to offend her. He told her that what he had to say might be difficult to accept. Her situation, he continued, did not happen randomly nor did it happen out of the blue. The woman began to tense up as he continued speaking. She was not sure she wanted to hear anymore. Perhaps she had made a mistake even in coming here.

He continued and told her that the whole thing was created by her own mind through her own inner habitual thoughts and feelings.

He further explained how her inner feelings of anger and resentment had been present before the problems at work surfaced.

Slowly, he restated that her habitual mental state of mind had created or attracted as it were, the perfect set of events that were the exact equivalent of her mental atmosphere.

 A Spark of Truth

Initially, she found all of this very hard to believe.  She even began to become angry, and desired to get up to leave, but something held her back.  As shocking and weird as it sounded, there was a spark of Truth in his words.  Something in her gut was telling her that he was 100% correct.

She wisely agreed to follow the Mental Scientist’s prescription.  He wrote on a piece of paper for several minutes. When he was finished, he handed it to her with a coy smile on his face. She was beginning to wonder what it was all about. Then she looked at the paper and understood.

It was a prayer

She was to read this prayer every morning slowly and meaningfully with a deep feeling of love and appreciation for God, for her own life, and for the people in her office.  She was to lovingly and with a deep knowing feeling of understanding say each word and repeat the prayer until a deep feeling of love and peace came over her.  He further instructed that her prayer-time was not to be finished until the Deep Knowing Feeling of Love came over her.  

(Names have been changed to protect identity.)

Powerful Prayer: Powerful Medicine:

To Miss Smith and all of the people in my office, I want you to know that I love you.  In fact, I love you all dearly. I realize that before I was not showing you love on the inside in my heart.  In fact, I was harboring secret feelings of anger and hostility towards you all and for that I am sincerely sorry. Now I show you abundant love.  In fact I now and forevermore radiate the full and joyous love of the creator of life.  I smile and give you a saturating and penetrating dose of the complete and never ending love of God.  It consumes my heart and radiates from my being to you and to all in this office. 

I bless this office and I bless everyone in it.  This office is beautiful and is a wonderful place filled with the Joy and Love of God.  It fills me with complete and immense joy and love to share the love of God with you.  God’s love flows through me like a river that cannot be stopped.  Because I am filled with this immense love, those around me respond in kind.  I get what I give.  I give love, so I receive love in return.  God loves me dearly and cares for me and will protect and love me forever.  Thank you God for your eternal care and endless love of me.  God is love and I am filled with the eternal love of God now and forevermore.  (Repeat, until you get the feeling.) Amen.

Transforming Power of Imagination

This she did, and soon, after each treatment she found herself feeling immensely better.  As her inner mood changed towards the people in her office, at first she noticed nothing different on the outside.  The woman, however began to enjoy her morning treatments.  She found herself “getting lost” in the act of loving the people from her job and in her life.

Her love prayer took on a whole life of its own and she began to spontaneously radiate love to everyone everywhere in her life each morning.  As she carried out her exercises, getting lost in the deep feeling of love, she found them to be the best part of her day because the emotion of love felt so good. Furthermore, it was starting to show on her face. One day she received a compliment from a random stranger who told her that she looked beautiful! This had never happened to her before. She realized that love had been seriously lacking in her life; in her experience.  The sessions she held in her imagination were seeping down into her subconscious.  The “love sessions” as she came to call them were transforming her mentality.  They were changing her on the inside, and spilling over to the outside.


Conclusion: Imagination Creates a New Reality

The result was nothing short of a miracle.  After two weeks, she received an urgent call from her sister.  Their mother had fallen ill and she was needed at home immediately. She would need to travel to a distant city to help take care of her for an extended period of time. 

The office in which this young woman worked could not keep her position vacant and immediately fired her. 

This did not bother her as she had become so filled with love for them.  She simply wished them well and moved home to take care of her mother.  

That following week in her home town she bumped into an old school friend who mentioned that her office was looking for help.  The girl joyfully applied. After an interview she was immediately offered the job and at a much higher salary than she had been receiving in her previous position.  Her friend later told her something amazing. It turns out that the people in the new office had simply fallen in love with her.  She couldn’t believe it.  In fact it was true. Everyone loved her.  It was a huge blessing and some might have wondered how she had become so lucky.  What was so different?   Deep in her heart, the young woman knew exactly what had happened.  She changed herself on the inside and the outside blossomed into the very same thing.  From the Mental Scientist, she had learned of the secret power of her imagination.  

The whole vast world is yourself pushed out.

Neville Goddard

Secrets of the Imagination by Walter Crosson

Read Secrets of the Imagination for awesome manifesting techniques 

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