
Top 5 morning affirmations for awesome success!!! Wake up and take immediate control of your mind to steer your thinking in the right direction! Attract all of the good things you want for you and your loved ones.

Why Do Affirmations Work?

Affirmations work because our thoughts are creative. More specifically, our imagination is creative. The pictures we generate in our imagination are passed along to the subconscious mind and reproduced in our experience. By using affirmations we take control of our imagination by creating images of the things that we want in our lives.

The second way affirmations work is by helping us to add feeling to our images. Any clear image placed in the mind and backed by emotion will be reproduced by the subconscious mind. One of the most powerful emotions for affirming and manifesting is the feeling of thankfulness. Indulge in this feeling of thankfulness as you affirm!!

That’s all you need to know! Good morning and…Happy Affirming!!!! 🙂

top 5 morning affirmations image of woman making affirmations being thankful
Image of Book "Secrets of the Imagination" by Walter Crosson

For more affirmation techniques and ways to manifest read my book “Secrets of the Imagination.”

Top 5 Morning Affirmations For Success

  1. I recognize the God presence within me that leads, guides protects, prospers and loves me. It is accomplishing for me all of the good things that I need and want today.
  2. I know that the images I hold in my imagination are always being passed along to my subconscious mind and taking form in my experience. I now radiate Love, Beauty, Joy and Success to everyone I meet and think about today.
  3. I attract and am now surrounded by honorable, honest, loving, kind, and respected people. I live by the Golden Rule and I am honored and respected because I honor and respect others.
  4. I am surrounded by wealth. Wealth envelopes me, and my loved ones. Wealth is all around me, flooding my mind and experience. Money floods my accounts and is always increasing along all lines. I live and lead a beautiful and charmed life.
  5. I am surrounded by Health. God’s perfect and Divine Love floods my mind and body. My Mind is beautifully and Divinely intoxicated with the perfect Love of God that permeates all of the atoms of my body. My body is a perfect organism and is actually an organ of God Himself.


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